Sunday, August 21, 2011

Don't Worry I am Still Here.

I know you have all been checking this blog hourly for my newest post and from the middle of my heart (not really a 'from the bottom of my heart' feeling) I am sorry to have been a disappointment to you all.
It's a simple explanation. I've been vacationing. I didn't want to post my vacay plans before I went cause , you know, I got a lot of stalkers . And honestly I am afraid that if I gave out that info pre vacay, I would have come home to a dead bunny in my bed.
So, the true point of this blog is to let you know there will be more posts to come.


The Steed's said...

was this post directed at me! I did tell you I recently started stalking your blog, but not as far as bunny slaying!

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I was actually checking your blog daily.

Is the fact that you were vactioning the reason that you weren't at Stake Conference yesterday. I saw the rest of your family there. I spent the whole time not listening and looking for you.

Kaycee said...

Trina I know your are no bunny slayer. And i appreciate that you blog stalk me, I really do!

Christy, yes that's why I wasn't at church. We got home just after church, so darn couldn't make it.