Saturday, August 27, 2011

Genius I Tells Ya!

For anyone with kids still in a high chair I found the coolest thing. It's a highchair in a bag. It comes in a little drawstring bag about the size of a VHS tape (if you don't know what size a VHS tape is, you should NOT be having children yet). And it fold out to look like this:
So NEAT! It just slips onto most chairs and BAM highchair. Great for travelling.


Christy and Brett Bevans said...


That is genius!!

Kaycee said...

I found it at a store by my house. I can pick one up for you if you like.

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

yeah, totally grab me one. Is there a color choice? Pick neutral (you know, incase we eventually have a boy). I will be in Edmonton the end of October.