Friday, February 19, 2010

Really? Seriously?

OK, I could go on and on about this sport, but doesn't the picture just say it all?
Who the heck thought this was a good idea? And who in their right mind thinks it is still a good idea?
I mean REALLY if you are interested in the luge just stick to the one man variety.
PS - The pic really does not do the sport's 'gayness' justice, you really need to watch it on TV to get the full effect.
PPS - I am not saying that you are gay if you do this sport, you are just giving off the appearance of being gay.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Go Alex Go!

Super exciting! Gold Medal for us! I am not going to lie I teared up a little when they interviewed Alex Bilodeau and he talked about his brother with cerebral palsy. It was a touching moment, until Bart ruined it by cracking a joke at his English skills. Way to ruin a moment B.

BTW I think our ski outfits were the best. Not too flashing, but not too dull. I think the worst ski outfit are the Americans (sorry Trace), but c'mon all those stars, it's really too much. It is nothing against the States, because if there is no Canadian to cheer, for I'll mitten clap for the Americans. Just a poor fashion choice.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Am Jumpin' Aboard This Train!

So I was on the fence about whether or not climb aboard the Olympic train. But I've made my decision ... All Aboard!

The deal was sealed when I saw Wayne Gretzky light the flame. It was a toss up until that point. I thought the government might choose some lame person who was born outside of Canada, morbidly obese and has never participated in any sort of winter sport - you know it's something the government would do!

But they didn't they actually did something right. Ah ... Wayne Gretzky! That's a whole other blog in and of itself. Wayne's face comforts me, it reminds me of my childhood.

Monday, February 8, 2010

As You Wish Oprah

I am diabetes obsessed! Actually I am non diabetes obsessed.Oprah has control over me. Did anyone see her show with my personal physician - Dr. Oz? In case you couldn't figure it out, it was about diabetes - America's Silent Killer, I assume it also applies to Canada. I am sure glad that my new year's resolution was to stop eating sugar, so I was relatively guilt free while watching the show. I am even more motivated to eat only a little bit of sugar and exercise regularly.
This is a pic of Dr. Oz telling Oprah that heart attacks are the number one cause of death in diabetics. The thing that is sad to me was that type 2 diabetes is completely manageable... man this is kinda a heavy topic for me.

I sure hope Oprah doesn't do a show telling me to give up my kids because I might just have to listen.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dinning With Davis!

For real I am outtie, but I just had to blog about my dinner experience last night.
I had dinner with Davis! Yes siree! The one and only.

We dinned at Chianti's on Whyte Ave - $7.99 pasta Mondays (and Tuesdays)....

okay in the interest of honesty when I say dinned, I mean he ate his salad and entree at the same time as us, but we may have not been sitting at exactly the same table. But those are minor details that should be overlooked. So please feel free to tell your friends that I know Davis - that's his real name right?