Saturday, August 27, 2011

Genius I Tells Ya!

For anyone with kids still in a high chair I found the coolest thing. It's a highchair in a bag. It comes in a little drawstring bag about the size of a VHS tape (if you don't know what size a VHS tape is, you should NOT be having children yet). And it fold out to look like this:
So NEAT! It just slips onto most chairs and BAM highchair. Great for travelling.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Want a New Pet ... I Will Call Him Minke.

I am not going to bore you with a bunch of pics of my kids on our vacay. I know most of you don't really care about how my kids thought it was awesome to walk through the gate of Old Quebec and Ethan was searching for bullets in the wall.
or how we went to the cutest bakery that was 300 years old and the lady still cooked the bread outside in a wood burning oven.

or how we found this awesome candy shop called 'Becs & Bonbon'.

or how I love the streets of old Quebec

SO, since I am not going to bore you with all of those deets I will move on to the best part of the trip.

Whale Watching! I love, love, loved it.

Ethan was old enough to come with us, so it was really fun.

We saw some humpbacks (not pictured), blue whales, beluga whales (also not pictured) and minke whales. So much fun, they came so close to the boat. We saw about 75 whales.

Bart really should have never let me go on this trip because now I want a whale of my very own.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You are Truly a Golf Widow

I know I know I said I would post vacay pics, and I will soon. Get off my back geez.

Continuing on . If you don't know what the pic above is then you might as well stop reading because you will not relate to the rest of the post. As for the rest of you who know the pic because you recognize it from your own life ... my condolences on the lose of you husbands to the game of golf. Only a couple of months left until they come back into our lives.
PS - It's a pic of golf tees in the dryer lint trap.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Don't Worry I am Still Here.

I know you have all been checking this blog hourly for my newest post and from the middle of my heart (not really a 'from the bottom of my heart' feeling) I am sorry to have been a disappointment to you all.
It's a simple explanation. I've been vacationing. I didn't want to post my vacay plans before I went cause , you know, I got a lot of stalkers . And honestly I am afraid that if I gave out that info pre vacay, I would have come home to a dead bunny in my bed.
So, the true point of this blog is to let you know there will be more posts to come.

Monday, August 8, 2011


You know what the worst is? ... Let me enlighten you. The wost is when you are enjoying your evening (after your kids are in bed, your sittin' on the couch, watchin' your stories, eatin' your cookies) and you think everything is going good and then ... WHAM! One of your kids comes downstairs and says 'Mom, I don't feel good." (sometimes it has even been known to be accompanied by some puking at the end of the sentence) It's the worst for many reason. FIRST and foremost, hello! this is my time and you are interrupting. Secondly, I guess, your kid is sick - poor them and such. Thirdly it screws all your plans for the next day!
Kids really do put a damper on things! And yet I continue to torture myself with adding more to the fam, I must love them or something.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Love It!

I absolutely love this product. You sprinkle a little in your hair and it makes your hair non flat - I don't want to says puffy, I guess I could have gone with voluminous. And when you have short hair volume is a must have. Plus the other amazing thing is that it gives me and extra day to not wash my hair. Don't judge me on my unclean hair.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Here's some pics I took the other night from my deck. It was really beautiful to watch the rainbow as the sun went down and the sky was changing colour.