Wednesday, December 26, 2012

TV FREE ... not FREE TV, but TV FREE

Let me be perfectly clear, I am NOT giving a TV away. But I am considering participating in a TV free week - or 3 days, depending on when the new winter season starts. I absolutely can not wait for the new season of Nashville, I love that show so much!!!
I figure right now is a great time to go on a TV diet, there is nothing new it's all reruns ; and trust me there is nothing worse than realizing that you have wasted an entire evening watching episodes you have already seen, especially when you have a pile of laundry needing to be done or a great book waiting to be read.
I mean it's one thing to waste time watching an episode of Honey Boo Boo you have never seen, but watching it again ... i feel like it is kinda a slap in the face to productivity. - ooo i am also super excited about the new Boo Boo episodes, those peeps fascinate me.
My goal is 1 week ... I'll let you know how it goes.

Update : I am proud to say I am fully back on the TV wagon. I can't say I didn't watch TV the entire week. But I can say I did remarkably well. But that is all over now. My stories are back in full swing and i am lovin' itT

Monday, December 3, 2012

I HEART myself

I was reading through my past blog and I had so much fun reading about myself. I am not saying that my life is particularly interesting, but I loved reminiscing with myself, about myself. Mostly I enjoy remembering what TV I was into in the past ... oh, and I like to see how my family is growing and learning - ya, ya that's important too. So I figured it's time to put some effort into this blog business. Not so much for other people, but for myself. And hey if you get a laugh outta my life, well enjoy. We'll see how this pans out.