Friday, January 30, 2009

TMI .. Wait New Topic ... A Call You Would Rather Not Get.

Okay I was all ready to BLOG about my mole removal incident with Dr. Handsome and then I get a phone call.

The number on the phone appeared as 1-416-000-0000. So naturally think it's a telemarketer (even though I signed up for the DO NOT call list), so I don't pick up. But they leave a message ... weird ... telemarketer leaving a message? Strange, so I go listen.

It's NO telemarketer it's a product recall from Costco due to .... SALMONELLA!!!!! Ya, seriously I guess the protein bars I bought we recalled by the manufacturer because some of the nuts may contain salmonella. Yikes!!

I guess it's a good thing Costco has on record everything that we buy. Instead of Big Brother watching, maybe it's Big Brother watching out.

BTW - they were Detour Protein bars with a best before date prior to Feb 2010. Check out their website if you need further info.
And yes that is a pic of me in case your all wondering.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Am Living My Life Vicariously Through My Children.

Remember these? Well, I do! I remember looking through them hoping and praying that my mom would buy me a book. But never such luck, NEVER! Oh, how I longed for just one book. I promised myself when I was a grown up I would totally buy them for my kid. ( I am pretty sure I said totally too - you know the 80's). And now that I am all grown up it is a promise that I have kept. Not like those silly old promises 'when I grow up I will never yell at my kids.'
My fav day is book order day. I look through it first, then let Ethan look through it circle what he wants, and then I choose a book for him, so he's all excited and surprised when he actually gets the book.
Ahh book order day.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Here's Me Being Positive :)

Okay, I don't know about where you live but up here, way up here it is freakin' freezing. We're goin' on 4 weeks now of a -20 to -35 degree deep freeze. I am going to shot myself if I don't find something good about winter. So here it goes ...

(None of these were taken by me - are you kidding, that would mean I would have to go outside.)

I guess if those little baby penguins can survive then so can I . . . WHAT? some of them die due to exposure . . . Oh, geez, there goes my theory.

But let's be serious as pretty and as beautiful as those were ...

I'd rather be here!