Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Want a New Pet ... I Will Call Him Minke.

I am not going to bore you with a bunch of pics of my kids on our vacay. I know most of you don't really care about how my kids thought it was awesome to walk through the gate of Old Quebec and Ethan was searching for bullets in the wall.
or how we went to the cutest bakery that was 300 years old and the lady still cooked the bread outside in a wood burning oven.

or how we found this awesome candy shop called 'Becs & Bonbon'.

or how I love the streets of old Quebec

SO, since I am not going to bore you with all of those deets I will move on to the best part of the trip.

Whale Watching! I love, love, loved it.

Ethan was old enough to come with us, so it was really fun.

We saw some humpbacks (not pictured), blue whales, beluga whales (also not pictured) and minke whales. So much fun, they came so close to the boat. We saw about 75 whales.

Bart really should have never let me go on this trip because now I want a whale of my very own.

1 comment:

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

That looks like really cool trip!!

The whales would be awesome!!!

I made Brett look at your pictures too.