Monday, February 15, 2010

Go Alex Go!

Super exciting! Gold Medal for us! I am not going to lie I teared up a little when they interviewed Alex Bilodeau and he talked about his brother with cerebral palsy. It was a touching moment, until Bart ruined it by cracking a joke at his English skills. Way to ruin a moment B.

BTW I think our ski outfits were the best. Not too flashing, but not too dull. I think the worst ski outfit are the Americans (sorry Trace), but c'mon all those stars, it's really too much. It is nothing against the States, because if there is no Canadian to cheer, for I'll mitten clap for the Americans. Just a poor fashion choice.


Christy and Brett Bevans said...

The American outfits were the worst. I also love the Canadian ones. I actually want one. But then I would have to start skiing to find a purpose for it.

Do you think that he has a girlfriend? Not that I am looking, I just always wonder what their personal life is like. Like what kind of cool chick gets to date him. And where do they go for dates? What do they do in their free time together?

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I have to admit that I am cheering for everyone but the states. I don't know why. I have nothing against the States; I enjoy a good shopping trip there as much as the next person. But when it comes to these sporting events, my theory is 'anyone but USA'.

Tracy said...

How cute! Canada got a medal. Maybe it's because we worry more about training than what stupid ski outfit we are wearing.
