Friday, April 30, 2010

TV Madness

I loves me my TV - as you may be able to tell through my previous posts. But I don't want my kids to need TV.

Now, don't get me wrong I am not gonna get up on my soap box and start preachin' about how TV is the devil and you shouldn't let your kids watch TV etc. I NEED my kids to watch TV and play on the computer/video games. Literally NEED it for my own sanity.

But, these past 2 weeks I felt like things were being neglected and the kidlets were too focused on getting to the TV. So like any good mother I jump right in without thinking and make the boldest statement of my life. "No more TV during the week, including video games, computer games and the last resort ipod."

Let me just say the weekend can't come fast enough!

PS - I did give in just once when we were waiting for our food to comeat the restaurant, I just couldn't take anymore. This being a 'mother' is really taking a toll on me.

I gotta go watch me some 'Say Yes To The Dress', before THEY come home.

1 comment:

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

That is a bold statement. How long will it last?

I'm trying to get Georgie hooked on TV now, so I can get stuff done around the house. So far no luck.