Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Am In Real Trouble

So here's the deal, when I first started to stay home with my kids or kid at the time, I was a real go getter- you know a suzie homemaker. I would make Bart's lunch everyday for work. But he would rarely come home with the lunch kit or Tupperware (or the dollar store version of Tupperware) and sometimes to my horror he would come home and his lunch would not have even been eaten. So I told him he was cut off from my lunches. And that's how it's been the last 5 years.

About every 6 months I would remind him why I don't make his lunch, you know just so he knows I am awesome and it's him not me.

But a few weeks ago I decided to give it a go. I told him - no told is to gentle a word, but none the less it will do - that he better 1) eat his lunch and 2) bring home all my containers. I'll give him props (that's right I said props), he has faithfully completed both tasks. (well I guess I really have no way of knowing if he is eating the food, he could just be throwing it in the dumpster before he gets home).
So what's the problem Kaycee?

Well I am glad you asked. The problem is I hate making his lunch and I can't turn back now. After the rubbing it in the face for 5 years and the lecture, I can't tell him that this is too hard. I am NOT a suzie homemaker (see previous post on Trophie Wife).

But I will continue until the day he forgets his lunch kit or Tupperware, then I'll jump on that like a fat kid on cake - NO MORE LUNCH FOR YOU!


Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I'm glad that I never started that with Brett. Now that he works he comes home for lunch and I used to make lunch everyday. Since Georgie was born when he comes home, I am sleeping. Nap time.

You have to hope that sometime soon Bart fogets a container. Or maybe that he will read this blog.

Kaycee said...

He doesn't read my blog, I think it bore him, because he has heard all my rambling before... actually maybe he creeps on me!

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I bet that he creeps on you. Brett creeps on my blog. And he creeps on the people on my blog list too.

Tracy said...

I love that picture of the fat kid on cake. I need that for a bumper sticker.