Monday, April 26, 2010

Caller 9!

Sometimes I feel bad for the DJ on the radio. Not just because they have a face for radio... budum ching. (get it the drums, cause of my joke)

Anywho I feel bad when the DJ's are giving away awesome prizes and the people that win are so lame. Today for example my fav DJ was giving away a pair of tickets to a huge awesome music festival, and the girl was like,
'thank you, I really want to attend that function, I appreciate your kindness sir.'
(okay she wasn't THAT bad, but you get the idea) You may think maybe she didn't want the tickets she thought she was calling another morning show, but she wanted the tickets, she said she was going to try to buy them. SO what's the problem lady act excited.
If I were a DJ I would be a prize Nazi. If you didn't act excited and be grateful ... NO PRIZE FOR YOU!
I actually think I would be a great caller 9. I can hardly contain my excitement when someone calls me to tell me they got a trim. Imagine what I could do with a free trip!

Sorry Garnie.


Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I bet that Garner got off the phone with that lady and thought that she was super lamazoid.

I know that when I have won on the radio I become a little over excited. I sound like a dizty teenager. It is actually embarassing.

Actually one time I one on Power 92 (back when it was called that), I messed up the 'phrase that pays' cause I was so nervous. He asked me what it was first and I said it right, then on air I messed up.

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

that would be 'won', not 'one'. lol. Trying to type and hold a baby. Spelling/grammar is not up to par.

Tracy said...

I totally agree. I hate lame winners. I would love to get a radio Nazi DJ. It would be the Simon Cowell of radio.