Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So I believe that I have really turned a corner in the mothering of my youngest child. I am starting not to hate him ... NO NO NO that sounded bad maybe I should rephrase that. I am starting to really like him... yes that is much more PC - Now let me explain before you jump on the horn to SS (Social Services).
I've always loved him and I've always made sure he was well taken care of and such. But lately I've found myself not cringing when I hear him crying after his nap and dreading the thought of this peaceful bliss I call 'alone time' being over. I am actually excited to see him.
BTW, just in case you didn't know this about me I HATE with a capital H-A-T-E, taking care of babies. I LOVE with a capital L-O-V-E taking care of kids. I really do love being a mother, but those infant years I could really do without ... although I hear they are important to their development or something?
PS - I didn't title this post because I thought 'I Hate My Baby' was an inappropriate title. Don't you agree?

1 comment:

Christy's said...

Besides cuddling, what do newborns (6 months and under) really do? Not a whole lot. It is more when they can sit and crawl and play alone that life seems a little easier