Friday, October 28, 2011

Fresh Friday

Sorry this blog title really sucks. I was trying to find a word, starting with F, that is related to laundry in some way. Something clever, preferably. But I couldn't find anything clever so you got something lame, SORRY.

Friday is quickly becoming my kids fav day. I've come up with a new plan. This plan has been in place for about a month and it is working wonderfully. I was going menal (you know mental but without the t) because my kids would throw every item of clothing they wore or thought about wearing or thought about thought about wearing. I was literally (said like Rob lowe from Parks & Recreation) doing 2 or 3 loads a day. MENAL!!!

But now no more. I told my kids I do laundry on Friday and it was now their responsibility to budget their clothes accordingly. If they chose to throw every pair of PJ's in the laundry they could sleep in the nude until Friday for all I care. It's going swimmingly if I do say so myself. At first, around Wednesday or even Tuesday they started belly aching that they didn't have many pants or PJ's left. But this morning I heard Ethan say to Ella 'yeah it's Friday, we get clean clothes.'

Don't worry everyone my kids are not turning into the stinky kids because I am lazy and refuse to wash their clothes, they have more than enough clothes to go the entire week. Just in case you were contemplating calling SS. (Social Services)

PS - Your welcome ladies for the Rob Lowe pic.

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