Thursday, December 31, 2009

For Just 2 Easy Payments

When I was younger I thought mini pops were awesome and I wanted to have their tape so badly. I thought they were so cool. I actually thought the kids sounded better singing 'Wake Me Up Before You GoGo' than Wham did. And up until this afternoon I still thought that ... then my reality as I knew it changed.
I saw a commercial for 'Mini Pops' ( Oh yes,they're back and singing all your favourites, 'Boom Boom Pow' , 'All The Single Ladies', 'Poker Face' and other hits.) and I am not going to lie, those kids are creepy. Especially when you watch the videos for the songs with the awkward choreographed dancing. The worst ones were the Beyonce songs - nothing against Beyonce- I am mean for real these kids are 10 years old singing about being single and puttin' a ring on it.
So creepy!

1 comment:

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I always wished that I was a mini-pop.

How come they seemed so much cooler back then?

I'm surprised that they were able to find any songs without some sort of sexual reference in it. Or maybe they couldn't. Cause nothing would be creeper than a 10 year old singing something like Flo Rider's "Low" or something like that.