Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Please don't let me take after my mom!!!

Ethan first day of school was over a month ago. (don't mock the geek hair part - I love it.) He is doing really well, loves it, and is making friends, blah, blah, blah.
Here's the real blog topic:
Why am I so nervous?
I was all excited for the first day of school. In my head I could see myself taking afternoon siestas and lunching with other socialites. ( actually I was just hoping to get my laundry done and a toilet or two scrubbed)
Well the end of the first day came and to my surprise, I was so nervous that I couldn't eat and I couldn't even take a nap (YA, I KNOW). First day nerves I told myself, fear of the unknown.
Fast forward to one month later and I am still nervous. Honestly everyday I go pick him up I get a knot in my stomach. As I said earlier he is not the problem, he is doing well, the teacher is wonderful, he has tons of friends and most importantly he loves going.
I have drawn two conclusions: 1) I am a control freak. That I already knew. 2) I am like my mom, a nervous nelly. This is an unexpected development in my life!

1 comment:

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

Oh no. This is not good. I am more nervous and worry way more than you do. So fast forward 5 years, Grace will go to school and I will pull my hair out (which will have already turned gray), I will have bitten off all my nails and all the skin around them and be on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Tell me how you cope so that I can prepare now.