Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Saturday Night Shout Out!

I've decided that a lot of people have influenced my life - stay with me I am not gonna go all grown up on you- and every single person in my life has given me great ideas. Some think I am creative, but really I am good at plagiarizing other ideas and adjusting them just enough to call it my own.
So, every Saturday night I am going to give a 'shout out'. Maybe you influenced me and never knew. So Saturday nights is my night to say thank you on a public stage. - it's still public if only 2 people read this thing right?
So many to choose from but;

For introducing me to melted cheese in my chicken noodle soup.
If you haven't tried this ... well just try it, it's good. I've eaten this delicious combo hundreds of times, and I almost always think of Sunday lunches after church at the Steeds.
Good Times.


Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I still eat this delicious combo too. I have tried to get Brett to put the cheese in his soup; no interest. But I really do enjoy it. Thanks for the shout out. It really was a classic Sunday Lunch!

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

Oh and when I stayed at my parents house this summer, my mom and I had it for lunch one day. Debzee has branched out and is now not just putting cheddar in there, but now Havarti. I guess all cheese tastes great in there.