Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Big Hair Is My Limit!

Ethan went to a birthday party this last weekend as the boy was opening present I kept looking around to make sure I wasn't back in the 80's. The gifts consisted of transformers, hot wheels and Star Wars, the same gift that were given when I was that age. Yeah, I know I sound like an old lady - back in my day...- But seriously, is it the lack of creativity on toy producers part or were they just that good of toys?
old school chewie
2008 chewie
old school optimus
new optimus.
Okay, the new toys look a little cooler. I guess it's true what they say: Things always come back into style. I just hope the big hair doesn't come back...


Anonymous said...

I hope big hair comes back... hairspray...back combing... my life will be sooooo much easier! Seriously, shall I post a pic before i use the old $200 straightner, which I had to buy because nothing else will work in this brillow pad I call my hair?!

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

Kaycee, your blog is friggin awesome. Have I told you how funny you are. I love that you have pictures of old school chewie and 2008 chewie. So funny.