Friday, May 14, 2010

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

It's true, absence does make the heart grow fonder... for what you ask?

Being a homemaker. I don't have a home to make and I REALLY miss it. YES, I actually miss cleaning. Since I have been homeless I've come to a greater understanding/appreciation that homemaking is not just cleaning - cleaning is a huge part of it - but it is not the only thing.

I don't mean to get all deep up in here. But I have been reading the book 'Simple Abundance' everyday for the past couple of month, and the author has some very uplifting thoughts on housework and making a home. This book, along with being homeless has inspired me. I am starting to understand that being at home and making a home is an art, and can be a very satisfying experience.
WHOA! if I were in junior high I would stuff myself in a locker.
But in seriousness I am getting really excited to move back to my own home. Here are a list of things I am excited for and miss (disclaimer : this in no way reflects my dissatisfaction for where I am currently living or the kindness and tremendous hospitality I have been shown here, this is just simply things I am excited for.)

1) be able to start organizing my stuff (it is my true passion, see future post)

2) get myself onto a cleaning schedule - having a cleaning lady is awesome, but I don't want to spoil my kids.

3) organizing my food storage (there's that O word again, my fav)

4) baking, baking and more baking (not that I don't do that here, just... you know, I am excited)

5) cooking, cooking and more cooking (again not that I don't ....... you know)

So all in all I am grateful to join the rest of the adult world and be a big girl again and have my very own home.


Christy and Brett Bevans said...

When do you move into your new place. I am coming to town May-long. Are you around?

Shy said...
