Friday, October 16, 2009

3 Ferraris

So just to keep you updated, I did make those bars (see previous post) and they were a hit. Personally, I don't like anything unless it has chocolate in it so I can't weigh in - seriously even my broccoli has chocolate on it. Bart thought it was so good that he ate half the 9x 13 pan for supper after he worked out and then ate half of the half for breakfast. He said they were so good he would buy them from a bakery.

Now on to the real reason for the blog.

Yesterday I took my kids to the dermatologist and when I was in his office all I could think about was, 'Wow this guy must just make a butt load of money.' His office is huge and he only works until 3:30, but his nurses still take appointments until 7:30pm, plus he had tons of rooms that his nurses were working on people.

So on the way home I was trying to figure out how to get a piece of that action (not the doctor, the dermatology money) so, as any good parent I projected my desires and wants onto my child. I told Ethan if he became a dermatologist he could buy 3 ferraris (is that the plural of Ferrari, it looks weird). That sealed the deal right there and he now says he want to be a dermatologist. He better succeed b/c I have already adjusted my spending habits to being a dermatologists mother.

BTW - just in case you're curious why I was at the dermatologist - I was taking my kids to get botox - they're gettin' a little wrinkly!

1 comment:

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

Or were you getting them some botox because they sweat so much (Hyper-hydrosis).

I just called you. I guess you are cooler than I thought and you are out on a Friday night. Me, I am home sick, with what I can only imagine is swine flu.