Friday, September 25, 2009

Viewer Discretion is Advised

I love the new show GLEE. Love it, love it, love it. So funny. But I do not recommend it, if you watch it, you do so of your own accord. Some parts are a little riskay, not to much for my liking, but some people might be sensitive. And if you judge me for liking this show then you are not my true friend and you should not be creepin' on my blog.
He cracks me up! I just love him.
I love him too. I hope he is not actually high school age, that would be creepy. As a side note: I think he would make a great vampire, he just has that look.


Ryan said...

That's it. I can resist no longer. I am totally going to watch GLEE.

And if I were ever to judge you it would be due to your lack of chocolate bar eating abilities as of late. I am very disappointed in you Ms. Goth.

(Sorry I am signed in as Ryan. I am too lazy to change it.)

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I believe that we have already discussed our joint love of this show. But I love this show also. so much. Even my mom and dad watch it. I have even seen people on Facebook discussing their love if this show.

It is pretty much all the rage these days.