Friday, June 26, 2009

MJ Or Coconut Shrimp.

C'mon we all knew that coconut shrimp would win out over Michael Jackson. And Besides I am done with all of that. I am glad I've held true to my no TMZ/celeb gossip shows. I am sick of hearing about MJ just from the real news. But I did have one of those moments I desired (from my previous blog), I was the last person to know about MJ. I literally called everyone in my immediate calling circle and every last one of them was like 'yeah, I heard, you didn't know?' I was driving to the grocery store and I heard it on the radio and since I don't own a cell phone (I know, I know time to join the 90's) I wanted to tell people in the grocery store, but I held back.

SO on to coconut shrimp. It is awesome and I am excited to have some tonight... I guess there is not much to blog about on the topic of coconut shrimp.


Anonymous said...

You're cracked!
When are you going to get a cell phone? I often have a sisterly emergency and am not able to reach you. I just had one yesterday morning, actually! You have to get one within the next 10 mos. or you just wont fit into your new hood!

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

what kind of dipping sauce is displayed in that picture?

I heard that MJ died of food poisoning. Yeah, cause he ate a 12 year old weiner. bahhahahahaha.