Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Seriously Teething AGAIN!?

E lost a tooth on Sunday, it was exciting - I feel bad for my youngest child. Everything is so exciting for the first child, by the last ... meh, been there done that.
Anywho, his adult tooth is now coming in and I swear to you that he is teething. When he was a baby he was the worst when he was getting teeth, and now it's the same.
He is just cranky and tired. Tonight I did the unthinkable... I sent him to bed without dinner. He was super duper sad. And Bart and I were secretly laughing at the table - we would have been laughing out loud, but we didn't want to 3 year to copy us.
The big advantage to a teething 5 year old is you don't feel bad doling out the punishment.

P.S. - I felt so bad for sending him to bed without diner, but since I couldn't go back on what I said, I sent the 3 year old upstairs with a sandwhich and carrots. And then I went into his room and got mad at him for getting out of bed to get food (you should see my acting skills -I'm GOOOOD), then when he told me that his sister brought it to him, I said 'good thing you have such a great sister.' And I shut the door like I was still mad.


Christy and Brett Bevans said...

Now I really think that teething is a non-stop process. From now til FOREVER. Great.

Good parenting trick. I need to write these down.

Tracy said...

Lol. when Ethan runs away because his mommy and daddy are crazy he can totally come and live with me.
