Saturday, May 2, 2009

Church Would Be the First Thing to Go

Disclaimer : I go to church not because I am forced to, but because I believe.

What are people thinking going to church in these (see above pic) conditions. You better believe that church would be the first thing to go if we here in Alberta were at serious risk of pig flu (I know it's N1 H1, but pig flu sounds better and it sounds way better than swine flu).
What are some people in Mexico thinking? Church is one of those things that can be cut out for a couple of weeks until conditions improve. You can pray and study at home. Don't get me wrong, I travel 25 mins on the highway each way to get to church, it's not the effort or hard work of getting to church that is silly, it's the risk of dying.
No actually it's the risk of my kids getting sick that I couldn't take. It's my number one fear.


erin said...

I just discovered your blog and I heart it a lot!! You are too funny!

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I am worried about going to Miami in 2 weeks. Am I going to get pig flu? What if someone on the plane has it or someone at the hotel?