Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I've Been Too Weak To Type

I feel like a teenage girl writing in my diary ...

Dear diary it's been a long time since I have written.
I give a quick explanation of why it has been so long since I've blogged. I am too freakin' tired and hungry to type. So tonight I stocked up on Oreos and went at it.
I decided for 30 days to not eat any sugar and at the same time I started p90x. Yeah, yeah I know it's good for me, but it took the life out of me.
I served my 30 day sentence and in the end I am sticking with the p90x and dropping the sugar ban. I just need to find the balance between eating 2 cookies versus the entire box (literally).
PS - Diary don't tell anyone but, I have a huge crush on a boy named Bart, and today he smiled at me. Maybe he'll ask me to the big dance.


Christy and Brett Bevans said...

How are your new P90X DVD's?

The Sugar thing is hard. But god for you for doing it for 30 days. I need to cut out diet pop for 30 days.

I was wondering where you had been.

Anonymous said...

You are a dweeb... about the Bart thing (Kali called me a dweeb today for calling someone a dweeb).

Tracy said...

Remember when we used to go to church dances and we would tell each other that something hideously ugly was super cute so that we could keep all of the guys to ourself? Yeah, Me either.

By the way your shirt today is super cute ;)