Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Twitter Shmitter

Okay, I know that I am going to sound like a old lady in this blog but... Twitter, I just don't get it. Admittedly I am not on Twitter but still, I don't get it.
I understand how it works, but I don't understand why people would want an update of my boring life or anybody elses'. I know that you can follow celebrities but who cares, they're just feedin you the lines that you want to hear. It's not like you are getting to be BFFs with P Diddy (a secret life long dream I have had since the mid nineties - ok not really - maybe Hulk Hogan).

Some may say that it is like facebook or blogs or myspace, but it is totes not. You can't creep on peoples pages with Twitter ... you can't right?

Because if you can I am just became a Twitter fan.

I am a creeper!


Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I don't really understand twitter either. I will resist.

But I also resisted Facebook and Blogging for a long time too and eventually I gave in.

Kaycee said...

I just don't understand I am not against it, I just don't get it.

Tracy said...

Your background is so beautious. (And so Kaycee!) I love it. I also don't understand twitter...but if I were on twitter right now I could write that I was blogging. And then that I was going to go to bed and then that I was going to get up and feed my kids breakfast. Fastinating. Maybe I should be on twitter. People need to know these things.

Love Tracy