Friday, March 27, 2009

I am going on vacay pretty soon and I am terrified.

For the past 2 months I have been working really hard at getting the dreaded last 10 pounds off. I am half way there. It doesn't seem like much 5 pounds in 45 days, but I am really happy.

Basically I have done it through, reasonably eating healthy, not over eating and exercising. I have my days where it takes everything I have to not sit on the couch in front of the TV wolf down a box of cookies and then wash it down with a bag of chips. But I am happy to say that I am now at the point where cookies and chips can enter my house and will stay for more than a day. I am learning that just because it is there doesn't mean it needs to be eaten.

Anywho the reason for my post. My fear. I am scared that I will go on holidays and all my hard work will be lost. This is a completely rational fear. Every vacation I have been on since I was 18 I have gained 5 - 10 pounds.

When I was 18 I went to Vegas and I gained 10 pounds. I just can't control myself on holidays. My friends and I ate at IHop every single day. 3am rolled around and we were cravin' the cakes.

I have a plan, and my goal is to come back at the same weight I left. Wish me luck I'll check in when I get back.


Anonymous said...

I really like your first pic of Ravishing Ruth, reminds me of someone I know...
Good Luck!

Kaycee said...

Ya I know me in a week.

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

Where are you going on Vacay? Why didn't I know about this? You can do it. Just don't go with the mentality "I'm on vacation I can eat anything" cause that is not true. Eat as healthy as you can and find ways to exercise. And stay away from IHOP or anything like it.

Kaycee said...

Good call. I am upping my exercise and keeping track of what I eat. It's Monday and so far so good.

Tracy said...

Yeah, but that was like the funnest vacation ever. (I admit I still have a few extra pounds from it as well, but it was totally worth it!)