Friday, March 20, 2009

This Could Have Been Bad! Good Thing I am Such An Awesome Mom.

I am sitting on my computer contemplating what to blog about and I hear snip, snip, snip. I look over in the corner of the room, no farther than 3 feet from me and Ella is standing with scissors and 3 locks of HER hair in her hands.

I didn't freak out - I didn't want to traumatize her so that she has issues with cutting her hair - but she definitely got a good talking to.

When I asked her why she cut her hair she told me 'to be like mommy' (tear) I thought that was so sweet. But regardless how sweet , no haircuts for her, she will have long hair.
Look how adorable she is with her long hair, she is like my own personal cabbage patch cornsilk.

I am just glad I was there. Can you imagine if we had been following our usual afternoon schedule, which consists of me napping and her doing whatever she does when I nap. Good thing I decided to be a mother today! Yikes, I would have been sad.

BTW - For those that haven't seen me I got my hair cut. I love it!!! Jill cut 14-16 inches off. I will update with a pic when I get one.

BTW part II - I was joking about the napping.


Anonymous said...

You're a liar!! I know you nap in the afternoons while Ella plays. I'm going to call you in!

Kaycee said...

I don't! I would nap will Ethan's awake, not Ella she's still too little.