Thursday, February 2, 2012


The -ski at the end of update makes the title of this post clever - right? or should I say right-ski?
Anywho, I feel like I have left you as readers hanging. I have posted my plans and never updated you on the outcomes. so let me update you.

Remember this (sorry no link provided) anyways, I tried but it didn't work like the picture ( I know shocking right? It didn't look all perfect and cute like in the pic). The problem isn't in the design of the holder, but instead it's in the design of the can itself. All the different sizes and what not didn't really work.

Now I know you are all checking this blog daily wondering what recipe did she cook next. Well, i haven't given up on the recipes, I have just given up posting them on the blogski (thought the post was getting a little dull and needing some spicing up with a -ski), instead I pin them all on pinterest. But to hold you over until you can make it to my pinterest account, here are a couple really delish recipes I have found.

Strawberry Lemon Muffins (Bart's Fav)

Crispy Cheddar Chicken, so good on top of a green salad.

1 comment:

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I once saw someone whose last name was Brettski. That is like the cooler version of Brett. And it sounds like jetski, so you can't go wrong.