Saturday, January 23, 2010

Make Over Time!

One I was in high school one of my fav pass times was giving makeovers (we wanted to be just like Cher & Dionne from Clueless). It is a lot harder these days to find a makeover candidate, but I only need to wait a few more years, then watch out Ella here I come. She's gonna end up hating make up b/c i force it on her ... oh well my fun comes first.

Make overs are fun, but I also love putting make up on myself. I can not go into a Shopper's or Rexall without buying some sort of cosmetic product, even when I am sick and there to buy medicine for myself - it makes me feel better. So I've tried lots of products and there has been some hits and some definate misses.

One of the hits - recommended by Shy. Covergirl Shadowblast Eyeshadow.
Love it so much!
One of the definate misses - for me anyway! The Clinique face cleaning system.

Seriously I can't believe how bad this stuff has made my skin. I feel like I am fourteen again, I keep breaking out and then I try to cover it up with foundation and c'mon ladies we all know how that goes, I seem to make more of a mess that I had at the start. I find what works the best for me is a Norwex cloth - I don't sell it or anything, I am not trying to plug it - it works so well it even takes off my waterproof mascara! So I switched back to Norwex today - I'll keep you posted.


Christy and Brett Bevans said...

We loved our makeovers!!!

Hard to come by a candidate these days.

I'm so excited cause Grace already loves having her toes painted, he make up done and her hair done. It will be makeovers everyday for us!!

Tracy said...

I love Luxe cosmetics for my eyeshadows! i've got Treena and Sammy hooked on them too. My favorite is Avenging angel eyeliner. It is black with tons of red glitter. I also love mirage. It is blue, green, or purple depending on how the light hits it and it looks fabulous wet or dry.