Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Do Realize Christmas Was Over 2 Months Ago.

This Christmas I had a great idea. Actually, I'll give credit where credit is due. My sister gave me a great idea from creepin' on someones blog - PS, she has never even met this girl, CREEEPY. (hee hee).
Anywho, instead of an advent calender this year, we had a special visitor pop into our house everyday reminding us how many days until Christmas and sharing a story from Jesus' life. He would write my kids letters and give them treats. He would show up at different times each day and in a new hiding spot.
It was so fun. Ethan would write to him and we found out all sorts of interesting things about him.
* his name is Twigs Nathaniel Farmington III
* he works for Santa
* he has lots of brothers and sisters
* his candy cane is magical
* he loves chocolate
Ella made an omage to him :

I am thinking he will return next year, that is if he doesn't get busted in the storage box.

PS - Matching jammies....

I mean really need I say more?

And one more with the 'tude.


Anonymous said...

Twigs is cute... I pictured him quite a bit smaller... you know, like the elves! I like Ella's slits in the picture with him.
How many ideas have we taken from that blog?? A Butt load, so be grateful for your resourceful sista!

Kaycee said...

i didn't say you were a creep, I said what you did was creepy. You know like the difference between calling your kids stupid and saying what they do is stupid.
But you are right I also check the blog regularly.

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

whose blog is it. Fill me in. I wanna creep.

Kaycee said...

you can expect an e-amil coming soon.