Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Growing up with NO brothers I had no idea that this whole weirdo world of cubs existed. All these crazy chants and actions, it is like some kind of cult. When Bart first showed me what the cubs do each meeting I thought to myself - 'there is no way in HECK my son will want to do that ... NO WAY'.  -I was told warned to be supportive and enthusiastic (by Bart), and I was. I didn't laugh in front of my cub when he showed me the grand howl (I actually thought it was adorable AND hilarious).  But to make a long story short these 8 to 10 year old boys totally buy into this business. It is a genius program - GENIUS I tells ya.
My boy ironing his necker - necker seriously? The name is necker?

1 comment:

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I had no idea that you were blogging again. Imagine my surprise!

Does he wear his woggle on his necker? My mom was cub leader (can't you just see Debsy doing it.) 2 things. 1. Doesn't the word woggle remind you of someone. 2. My mom made some woggles out of turkey neck bones cause they look like wolf heads. That's actually really gross.