Friday, January 6, 2012

BLOG 365

Every time I read a 365 picture a day blog. I think to myself - 'self, you should do that. That's a great way to journal the in and outs of your daily life.'
But as you can see it NEVER pans out the way that I want it to. So instead of starting of the new year with an ambitious goal of posting 365 or 366 pics this year. I will underwhelm you all and try to post one pic a week. Let's call it my 52 picture a week blog (in addition to all the other fascinating stuff I post).
I think I will need try to bring my camera places. Cause I have a pretty amazingly interesting life - Just this morning I half cleaned my kitchen, thought about making my bed and checked my e-mail. WHOA, how can you keep up with all I do.

1 comment:

BUB said...

That is the hardest part about keeping a daily blog - most days are about exciting as that - "a half cleaned kitchen."

But, really, it is fun. You should do it.