Thursday, May 19, 2011

Enjoy Every Minute Of It ... BITE ME!

Disclaimer: I am so grateful for my life and all my blessing and everything I have. I know that I am blessed beyond anything.
So that being said ... I am literally counting down the days until 'Le Dog' ( Nate, you know Nate Dogg from the dog pound circa 1995. Then the nickname just evolved to Le Dog ) gets old enough to sleep through the night or talk or stop crying or pooping in his diaper - basically relying on me 24/7. And if one more person tells me to 'enjoy it while it lasts' I am gonna go mental on them. PLEASE, I know he's cute and all, but really should we as mothers really want this newborn stage to last longer than it already does?
I'll answer that for us ( I have the authority to speak for all mothers) NOOOOOO!
RIP Nate Dogg

1 comment:

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

So true. I love to cuddle newborns, but I like my kids more when they get older and more independent.

Did I tell you that my brother in law is named Nate. His middle name is Buck. Nate Buck. seriously