Monday, March 1, 2010

Nuff Said!!

Even though it was the best hockey game EVER!! I was a good girl and I went to church.

Just a little bragging. Most golds AND most golds ever won at a winter Olympics EVER by ANY country. (And we all know gold is the other thing that matter, silver and bronze are just 1st and 2nd loser, they really shouldn't even award medals for those places.)
Take that USA - sorry I just had too, we very rarely get the opportunity to be better at anything than the States. I really mean no ill regards. Please just let me have this moment. And please don't bomb us and please continue to fight our wars for us and protect us.


Tracy said...

Lol! I liked that post. And I love your new blog background. I am glad you won Hockey. The states just wouldn't have celebrated like you did.

Christy's said...

I didn't go to church, but I didn't stay home to watch the game. I pulled the "I have a new baby" card and stayed home and slept.

I woke up and saw the goal scored by the USA in the end and stopped watching cause I figured I was bad luck. Then when I stopped watching, Canada won.