Sunday, December 7, 2008

30 and Feelin' Fine!

Okay, I know this should have been posted last post but I just wanted to make sure that the day after I turned 30 I didn't suddenly need a walker and my family didn't put me in a home. Because if they did, I would NOT have titled this post '30 and Feelin' Fine'. Maybe it would have been '30 and Super Pissed'.
In all seriousness being 30 years old is great. I am healthier than I have ever been, I have more energy and now a little more money to do the things I now have energy for (can you follow that?), and my temper is just starting to balance itself out. This past week 1 out of 3 opportunities I didn't lose it on someone who deserved it. - I am not talking about my kids, I try to keep it together, even if they deserve it. I am talking about perfect strangers that are rude and asking for it. I can't get into the stories they just rile me up and remind me that maybe I should have said more and I start thinking that I should go back to that store and give the lady a piece of my mind. OK - maybe my temper hasn't changed at all, but the first couple of things are definitely true. I realized a few years ago that every stage of your life has good and bad. I would never want to go back to high school - living with my parents, not having a car or money. But I would never trade all the good times for anything.


Anonymous said...

That healthier than ever part... I do recall the half dozen donuts, maybe full dozen every saturday night. Or at least the empty box in the back of dads car or on the kitchen counter. You can only go up health-wise from there right? But really I'm not one to talk!

Kaycee said...

Ya, I believe in setting the bar really low, then it is easier to surpass. As for the donuts, guilty as charged. You also need to add a double cheeseburger meals to that. It was a Saturday night tradition.

Christy and Brett Bevans said...

I kinda want to hear your anger stories. You know I love to hear about your classic Kaycee situations.