Thursday, April 18, 2013

Is Your Bed Made?

Whoopi told me (the other day when we were chatting it up) that people are more likely to remember to take their medications (ie: the pill) when they make their bed everyday. I don't know where she got those facts, she may have completely made them up for all I know. But I can tell you a little something about me. Get ready it is about to get personal up in here. The level of bed making should be a good indication to my husband what kind of day I have have - or in other words, how much of a bag I am going to be.
 BED ONE - I am not having a great day. I couldn't even get up the energy to make my bed today. I am gonna be unapproachable today (oh and P.S. just in case you haven't figured it out, there will be no supper.)
BED TWO - it's a descent day, probably yelled only once or twice. There will be dinner on the table, but NO DESSERT!

BED THREE - It's has been a great day, I even had the stamina to fully make the bed with decorative pillow. This says I have no intentions of napping today. (although if it comes about that i do nap ... what can you do). There will be dinner and yes there will be dessert. It might be store bought cookies, but that's still dessert.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happy Easter

SO, because I am so fantastical and on top of everything that goes on in my home and with my children, I  will let you take a peek at easter in around these parts. Ready? Are you truly ready for all the magic?
This is the only piece of evidence that exists that easter (or is it Easter, to capitalize or not to capitalize? I am sure there is an answer out there, but I kinda don't care unless.) actually happened. Oh ya and those 'memories' that the children have. To accurately portray this story, they did have baskets purchased the night before at the local drug store and they had plenty of candy. And really isn't that what Easter is all about? ... What? No?
Side Note: Easter is capitalized, I just found out while spell checking, and yet I still did not capitalize - take that english language!