Whoopi told me (the other day when we were chatting it up) that people are more likely to remember to take their medications (ie: the pill) when they make their bed everyday. I don't know where she got those facts, she may have completely made them up for all I know. But I can tell you a little something about me. Get ready it is about to get personal up in here. The level of bed making should be a good indication to my husband what kind of day I have have - or in other words, how much of a bag I am going to be.
BED ONE - I am not having a great day. I couldn't even get up the energy to make my bed today. I am gonna be unapproachable today (oh and P.S. just in case you haven't figured it out, there will be no supper.)
BED ONE - I am not having a great day. I couldn't even get up the energy to make my bed today. I am gonna be unapproachable today (oh and P.S. just in case you haven't figured it out, there will be no supper.)
BED TWO - it's a descent day, probably yelled only once or twice. There will be dinner on the table, but NO DESSERT!
BED THREE - It's has been a great day, I even had the stamina to fully make the bed with decorative pillow. This says I have no intentions of napping today. (although if it comes about that i do nap ... what can you do). There will be dinner and yes there will be dessert. It might be store bought cookies, but that's still dessert.