Okay I was all ready to BLOG about my mole removal incident with Dr. Handsome and then I get a phone call.
The number on the phone appeared as 1-416-000-0000. So naturally think it's a telemarketer (even though I signed up for the DO NOT call list), so I don't pick up. But they leave a message ... weird ... telemarketer leaving a message? Strange, so I go listen.
It's NO telemarketer it's a product recall from Costco due to .... SALMONELLA!!!!! Ya, seriously I guess the protein bars I bought we recalled by the manufacturer because some of the nuts may contain salmonella. Yikes!!
I guess it's a good thing Costco has on record everything that we buy. Instead of Big Brother watching, maybe it's Big Brother watching out.

BTW - they were Detour Protein bars with a best before date prior to Feb 2010. Check out their website if you need further info. http://www.giantfoodstores.com/shareddev/prodrecall/
And yes that is a pic of me in case your all wondering.